
At present there are 117 members in 17 countries around the world. The circle is based in the UK and is run by an elected committee, with representatives in Malta, North America, South Africa, Australia, Germany and Italy.

(PDF) Application Form
(To download the application form right click the link and choose "Save Target As..")

Services to Members

A Handbook , "MALTA, The Postal History and Postage Stamps, 1576-1960", was published in 1980 and a supplement was issued in 1985. Copies are sometimes available for sale to members.
Publisher:Published for Malta Study Circle by R. Lowe

A Newsletter , "MELITA", is sent to members three times a year, keeping them up to date with Maltese philatelic matters, publications and the Circle's activities.
Go to Newsletters

Study Papers are published about twice a year covering in depth many aspects of Maltese philately and postal history. They are normally distributed free to members who want them. The papers are updated periodically as new information is discovered.
Go to Study Papers

Postal Auctions are held once or twice a year as material for sale dictates. Catalogues are sent to all members. Room auctions also take place at the weekend meetings.
Go to Auctions

Meetings are held in various places, mainly in London at major exhibitions. Others are held outside London at philatelic events such as Midpex or where individual members are willing to organise and host them. Most meetings have two themes and members are encouraged to bring material relating to those themes. There is also a two yearly weekend meeting.
Go to Events

Privacy Statement

The Malta Study Circle recognises the reqirements of GDPR and it's obligations to safe guard personal information. The Circle ensures..

1) Personal informtion is only stored and used with the specific need to participate in the Circles activities
2) Only personal data revelent to (1) is stored
3) Storage, transfer or exposure of personal data is done securely and inline with security standards
4) Personal informtion no longer needed by the circle is deleted after 12 months
5) All personal data held is current and up to date
6) Items (4) and (5) are reviewed on a regular basis
7) No personal data is shared with third parties outside of the circle
8) Members have the right to view and request deletion of any personal information the circle holds on them
9) Members will have to option to opt out of bulk emails
* The circle will only use bulk emails for specific and relevent circle activities


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