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Spring 2012
VOLUME 17, No 9

Edited by Colin Searle

Front Cover :
The Malta Post stand at the recent Stampex in London

Pages : 29


260 Report from website manager by Neil Grover
260 Malta - Spain Via Gibraltar 1850 to 1875 by David Stirrups
264 Submarine Mail by Tony Camilerri Read this article
265 Poster Stamps by Tony Camilerri
265 Malta MF-1 and MF-2 by Anthony Abela Medici
266 1803 Cover by Anthony Abela Medici
267 PHS-12 by Anthony Abela Medici
267 1965 6d with large silver doctor blade flaw by John Pullicino
268 World War II Censorship - 1939 PPC by Anthony Abela Medici Read this article
269 Postman's handstamps by Anthony Abela Medici
270 Hospital Ships by Anthony Abela Medici
271 HMS Melita by David Ball
272 Study Paper 18 (PHS) Update by Adrian Patrick
273 1933 South America Flight by John Pullicino
274 Postage Due, 1.5d Charge by Eric Harris
275 Par Avion Jusqu handstamps by Bob Dearnley
277 Incoming from Wei-Hai-Wei by Peter Pugh
278 1941 cover from USA to Greece with Malta censor tape by Roger Bower
284 Revenue Specimens by Neil Grover
284 Jean de Sperati Forgeries

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