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Autumn 2018
VOLUME 20, No 2

Edited by John Pullicino

Front Cover :
Society Image

Pages : 41


44 MSC Weekend meeting Oxford report by Hon. Secretary by L Wadely
45 Pre-stamp Markings Part 2 - Straight line 'Paid' Handstamps 1819-1843 by Alan Green Read this article
53 MSC Publications - what does the future hold by Rodger Evans
54 Covers from Malta bearing the 1935 Silver Jubilee Issue by J M Cooper
58 Malta Railway Postal Couriers by P and A Patrick
59 Adria Ungherese single ring canceller in black
60 General Post Office UPU card with Royal Garter Motto
61 Website Important Update
61 HMS Penstemon Kite Balloon Ship by David Ball
62 HMS Leviathan at Malta 1816 to the Admiralty by David Ball
63 MARS - A single line handstamp in use at Marseilles by J B Allan and David Ball
65 Perfin company marks on postal stationery by R Bower and R Evans
67 Imperial Japanese Navy card from Malta to Japan
68 A poignant postcard from Malta during WW1 by Alan Green
69 Motonave Postali Catalani 1932 to Trieste
70 Lost in transit handstamp - Timbre Poste Perdu en Transit
71 Letter on the day Grandmaster Hompesch surrendered to the French by J B Allan
71 Cospicua Green registration label
72 Telegraph and Revenue stamps never issued by Malta postal authorities
76 Use of bisected stamps
77 Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Letter to his wife Sara from Malta by J Pullicino
81 WW1 An incoming letter to Turkish POW by R Evans
82 WW2 Admiralty Censor by R Evans
83 WW2 civilian internee mail from Arturo Merceica by R Evans

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